Monday, December 10, 2012

Another Day Closer to Death

So, another day has passed, and another - and whatever you may have accomplished, the bottom line is - you are another day closer to death. Me too. We have done nothing to stop aging or save our own lives.

This is dumb.

Especially if you are rich or have some extra money - why aren't you interested in saving your own stinkin' life? Because - you are a moron.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

How Close Are We To Preventing the Diseases of Aging?

Interesting article on preventing the "diseases of aging" - not the DISEASE of aging - but there is real progress in this area. We are getting close, but not close enough!

From this link (CLICK HERE) from the Alliance for Aging Research:

This summer the President & CEO here at the Alliance for Aging Research, Dan Perry, was asked to participate in the annual melding of the foremost medical minds known as TEDMED. At the meeting, Dan gave a fantastic 13 minute talk that really summed up how “tantalizingly close” researchers are to that “fountain of youth”. Not the fountain that will create 500 year old grandparents that write you in and out of their wills for every perceived slight, but the one that will extend everyone’s healthy years of living, or “Healthspan”, well into their 80’s & 90’s without the multiplicity of tragic and devastating chronic conditions that compound to slowly rob them of their mental and physical well-being. 

The fountain Dan describes is much more realistic, one that actually slows the devastating effects of the aging process that directly contribute to the development of those costly chronic conditions. His talk about extending theHealthspan and its potential boon to society, was actually quite inspirational. He describes his entry into this seemingly far-fetched field early in his professional life, and the almost mythical scientific developments, and the people who helped them come about, during his 25 year journey. The talk is really worth watching, including the Q & A session where he gets to really plug for the current generation of scientists and academics pushing to make this the public priority it deserves to be. 

As he says in his talk, “Tectonic shifts have happened before.” After you watch it, I think you’ll agree with all of us here at the Alliance that today’s Mary Laskersand Florence Mahoney’s have helped push the science of aging biology to a point were “Tantalizingly close” means, “Too close to quit.” If you’d like to learn more about how to help push this next “tectonic shift” over the edge, and bring about a world in which we address the leading risk factor for all major chronic diseases, and not each of the numerous diseases individually,

Monday, November 26, 2012

Solving the Problem

Well, I guess I'll have to solve the problem of aging myself. Why not?


Sunday, August 26, 2012

Rasing $1 Billion for Aging Research

I don't want to age and die. The best way to stop aging is to find a cure for the disease of aging.

I aim to raise $1 billion for aging research.

So, if you want to support this effort, then join me. I need help getting organized, raising funds, developing a plan. Which research should we support? Who will provide the money we need?

If interested, contact me at:


Sunday, August 12, 2012

Do You Want to Live Forever?

Alright, the only way to stop aging, it would seem, is to do it myself.

So, I am going to raise money for aging research until we get a cure. Yes, aging is a disease, and it will be cured, but I would prefer that this happens in my lifetime. If not, at least my offspring can be saved.

So, if you want to help contribute to this effort, let me know. Just post your email and I will contact you. The more you contribute, the higher you are on the list.

How much will this cost? I have no idea. $5 billion? $10 billion? Probably less than we spend on ocean cruises, race cars, pornography, and bottled water each year.

Some answers to your questions:
  • Am I serious? Yes, I am. I actually don't want to die.
  • Would I take the money and run away? That would be stupid - I would still die - so what's the point? I want to live.
  • Can aging be cured? Yes, of course.
  • Is preventing aging unnatural, evil, and wrong? I don't think so. Do you? You can always choose to continue aging, just as you can continue to have tooth decay, bad eyesight, etc.
So, if you want to join this enterprise, let me know.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

I Don't Understand

There are over 6 billion people on Earth. They all fight hard to survive. But why am I the only person who doesn't want to grow old and die? Even educated, affluent, and thoughtful people don't seem to give this a passing thought - that maybe we should look into this whole "not dying" thing.

Norm McDonald used this in his standup routine, but it was just stating a fact - what's the point of curing arthritis, if you are still going to die? The audience laughed, but I doubt they thought about it.

As Norm said (and I'm paraphrasing), politicians talk about the number one problem being the economy. I think the number one problem is death.

The only solution I see to not dying is medical research. We should put all our resources into that.

If research can't stop dying, then we have to preserve out brains after death, in the hope that someone will bring us back. The only way to preserve the brain is chemically - freezing destroys brain cells. So, why isn't someone chemically preserving brains - right now? It doesn't require electricity or refrigeration - just a bucket full of some chemical.

If there is a company doing this, please let me know!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Let's Start a Company

How about this: we start a company dedicated to stopping aging. Maybe there is such a company, but if so, I'm not aware of it (and would invest in it!)
Basically, the purpose of the company is to research and sell a cure for the disease of aging.
Eventually this problem will be solved. Why not while you (and me) are alive?
I don't think this problem is that hard to solve, if we put the right resources on it.
I imagine if we (the USA) spent half of what we spend on military programs on aging research, we would solve this in a few years. A few years - no more aging.
And I don't imagine that a product or treatment that stopped aging would have any trouble finding a market.
So, if you agree that:
1. This problem can be solved
2. It requires a finite amount of money to achieve
3. It would be good to find this while we are still alive
4. Having such a product or service would be very profitable

Then, let's get some investors and make this happen.

(Yes, I know this sounds incredibly naive, but you have to start somewhere...and the clock is ticking...)

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Cancer - the Road to Immortality?

For those who want to live forever, there is currently only one approach - which is rather sketchy: I'm not talking about freezing, which causes cells to burst.

Basically, you can pickle your brain. Have your brain removed and put in a preservative liquid. This will enable to brain to survive - without freezing - until the relatively near future, when we can reconnect a brain to a body or cyborg or whatever.

It is so simply I don't know why it's not being done. There are businesses based on freezing dead people - which may never work. Why not pickling?

But there is something else that occurs to me - cancer. In cancer, the cells lose their natural inner clock - they become immortal.
Normal cells have a limited number of times they can copy. Not because they can't, but because they are programmed to die. That is why each species has a certain number of years it lives, and why people cannot live past a certain age, and why horses live so many years and tortoises and such.

So, in cancer, the cell loses this programming - programmed cell death. But isn't that a good thing? It means your cells become immortal. They don't die. The problem with cancer is they grow uncontrollably, because they lose "contact inhibition" - the tendency of a cell to stop growing when it hits another cell (this is why your skin stops growing after you get a cut. It fills in the cut but then stops.

So - many cancer is an intermediary step, between dying and immortality?

Suppose we could leave the immortality in cancer cells, but restore the contact inhibition? Wouldn't this mean that these cells would safely live for ever?

I'm not a cancer expert, so there may be something I'm missing, but if so, somebody tell me!

I Don't Want to Die - Do You?

I don't understand billionaires.

Why don't they put all their money into NOT DYING. They will support the best medical care, but why not trade their mansions, paintings, etc for MEDICAL RESEARCH that will save their lives?

Yes, Bill Gates is spending billions helping people in Africa with AIDS - that is a good thing - but why doesn't he try to save his OWN LIFE? He is aging and eventually he will die - most likely from a heart attack, cancer, or stroke. So will his wife and his children and everyone he knows and cares about and everyone they know and care about.

But if these billionaires and millionaires got together...they could start a medical research campaign to stop aging, stop heart disease, stop cancer...while they are STILL ALIVE.

These billionaires are supposed to be so super smart, so I guess I'm missing something.

I wish I could ask Bill Gates or Warren Buffet this simple question: Why don't you support research to save your own life? I would be curious to find out what they say but of course I am a nobody and have no access to them.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Why Die?

Life is precious. But life is short. Aging is a terrible disease that robs us of life.

So - why aren't we/you/me doing more to stop aging, disease, and dying?

The wealtiest people in the world control trillions of dollars of wealth...yet, they spend it on useless junk, when they could be saving their own lives. Why don't they? (I don't know).

What we need is a "Manhattan Project" focusing the wealth of the world on stopping aging and dying. It's going to happen someday - why not while you are still alive?

I invite any one to work with me on this. I want to get as much money as possible flowing into medical research, so that I don't die - at least, not for a long time.

If you don't want to die, then work with me. If you don't care, that's fine too! But what is the point of having Swiss bank accounts and fancy cars and big houses and perfect lawns and all the rest - and then getting old and dying - when you don't have to? It's just dumb.

So, that is the point of this site - to convince people - all people - to stop killing themselves. Stop wasting money on wars and NASCAR and poodles and all the other non-essential things, and start funneling all our resources and our energies into medical research.

No one has to get old and die - no one should.