Saturday, May 19, 2012

I Don't Want to Die - Do You?

I don't understand billionaires.

Why don't they put all their money into NOT DYING. They will support the best medical care, but why not trade their mansions, paintings, etc for MEDICAL RESEARCH that will save their lives?

Yes, Bill Gates is spending billions helping people in Africa with AIDS - that is a good thing - but why doesn't he try to save his OWN LIFE? He is aging and eventually he will die - most likely from a heart attack, cancer, or stroke. So will his wife and his children and everyone he knows and cares about and everyone they know and care about.

But if these billionaires and millionaires got together...they could start a medical research campaign to stop aging, stop heart disease, stop cancer...while they are STILL ALIVE.

These billionaires are supposed to be so super smart, so I guess I'm missing something.

I wish I could ask Bill Gates or Warren Buffet this simple question: Why don't you support research to save your own life? I would be curious to find out what they say but of course I am a nobody and have no access to them.

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